
Showing posts from July, 2013

A Letter from Pastor Mark July 2013

Dear Friends,   There have been a couple of changes in staffing  at the church that you may have read about in the bulletin, received a letter or seen something in the monthly newsletter.  Even though these changes have been publicized, I want to devote my monthly letter to saying a few words about the rationale for these changes and how the changes can potentially benefit the church. Under the new church structure, the Leadership Team has developed Guiding Principles.  Those Guiding Principles are the guidelines for how ministry should be conducted on a day-to-day basis.  Some of those guidelines instruct me and the staff to be ever vigilant about the  financial condition of the church and how we use financial resources.  The staff and I take the responsibility very seriously, and so we are looking for ways to be more efficient in   distributing and using all the resources of the church, money included. Previous...

New Projector System

We have now installed the new projector system at a cost of $11,000.  This is an unexpected and unbudgeted expense.  If you would like to make a contribution to help with that cost, it would be greatly appreciated.  Please mark your contribution with the term “projector” so that it will be credited to the appropriate fund. Thanks for your help. 

Church Women United

The Indianapolis Unit of Church Women United honored Felicia Stewart with their Young Church Woman Award at their May Friendship Day Celebration on May 3, 2013.  This award is given to recognize the valuable contributions made in the field of ecumenism by our young sisters in Christ.  Since 2002 the recognition has become a way to involve younger women and affirm them as they witness to Christ in many different vineyards of church, school,            community, business and in their family.  Felicia also was the keynote speaker for this event and CWU’s Spring Forum.

Reminder of Food Collection Each Month

We are again collecting food for Hunger, Inc. in Perry Township.  This a local community food pantry where many of our members volunteer.  Great News!!! — In June we donated 175 lbs. of food in the form of Spaghetti Sauce and Pasta.  In July we are going to collect Jars (plastic ones) of Peanut Butter. The dates for collection in July are 4 and 7.  In August we are collecting Amazing Cereal Boxes.  The dates for collection will be August 1 and 4. We always collect on the days that communion is served.

School Supplies Needed

SCHOOL DAYS–Do you have fond memories of starting school with a brand new box of crayons, sharp #2 pencils, and Elmer’s glue?  Many children in Perry Township can’t afford to buy the basic supplies they need for school each year.  That’s why SUMC is reaching out to help kids at two area elementary schools, Winchester Village and Homecroft.  During the month of July, stop by the Gathering Area and pick up a bag with an attached list of needed supplies. Fill the bag with the supplies and return it to SUMC (by the coat racks) by Sunday, July 21.  For questions, contact Dana-Lynn Hiller or Sandy Tilton through the church office 317-784-9508.  THANKS FOR MAKING A KID’S DAY!