
Showing posts from February, 2015

A Letter From Pastor Mark - March

Dear Friends, On Thursday, February 19, and Sunday, February 22, I made a pastoral statement regarding the violence and terror that is being visited upon innocent people throughout much of the world.   I want to share the reasons I made my statement in this newsletter. As well as having studied theology and matters of the church, I have also been over my   lifetime an ardent student of history.   Even though I did not live through the WW II era, I have studied that period of history.   What is interesting is that particular war was not just a conflict that was based in nationalistic militarism (however, that did exist but was used more as a tool rather than the main motivating force for the conflict) it was an epic battle to defeat one of the greatest evils the world had ever seen up to that time.   Nazism and its philosophy of hate represented pure evil.   That evil was visited upon millions of people simply because they were different from the N...

Children's Ministries

Plant the seed today. See the impact tomorrow Come share your gifts with our children as we grow disciples. Visit us at Next Steps Table February 26 to March 22.

Imagination Station

  a Weekday Children's Ministry of Southport United Methodist       Preschool               Childcare       Community Sign Up Evening March 11   6-7 p.m.     780-4624

Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)

They Can Count on Us! Most of us are able to go home at the end of the day to a warm and secure home. We have food ready to eat. We relax by watching TV, playing video games, or reading a good book. When we get into bed, it is the same bed that we are used to and it provides rest for the next day. Imagine if we had all of this taken away for whatever reason. This is how being homeless would feel and it affects the entire family. Who could we count on to help us through this disorienting time? Through Family Promise’s Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN), homeless families find safe places to stay while they recover from their current condition. Congregations throughout the city open their doors to serve families offering that warm, safe environment. Beginning Sunday, April 12, we become the people these families can count on. During their two week stay, we provide transportation to and from the IHN Day Center. We prepare family dinners and join our guests in eating togeth...

Food Drive For Fletcher Place

MARCH-APRIL FOOD DRIVE FOR FLETCHER PLACE Matthew 25:35 (NLT) “For I was hungry, and you fed me…” MARCH is the time for us to help feed the hungry in the Indianapolis area. The food will be donated to the local food pantry at Fletcher Place Community Center, a United Methodist facility. The need is huge and we can all be involved. Please bring your donated items to the Gathering Place and place them under the food drive sign.

Food Drive Dates - March 23 to April 18

The Boy Scouts from Troop 39 and Pack 134 will be joining SUMC in our effort to feed the hungry again this year. Their “Scouting for Food” campaign will start at the same time and we will collect food for this entire span of time. So start saving your cans and boxes of food.   Remember through our outreach efforts we are showing Jesus’ love with the hope of making new disciples and transforming the community in which we live. You are invited to write a short note which will be included in the food bags.  Blank note cards will be at the Food Drive Sign area.  Food Items Needed Beans and Rice                               Canned Tuna                                                          Pasta and Spaghetti Sauce     ...

World Day Of Prayer

In a world that has many concerns such as justice and equality for women and children, HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, immigration, refugees and migrant workers, Eco-justice, ISIS and far too many homicides in our community, what can we do?  PRAY WITHOUT CEASING.  On Friday, March 6, people all around the world will come together to pray for justice and equality for all. We have the privilege to host a World Day of Prayer gathering at 1:00 p.m. on March 6, and all are welcome. Invite friends and neighbors to join you to experience the freedom we have to pray for our community, country, and world. Child care and refreshments will be provided. 

2015 Blood Drives

Our next Blood Drive will be Sunday, April 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Gathering Place. For additional information stop at the Next Steps table Thursday, March 26, and Sunday, March 29.   Please note your calendar and when giving time comes, invite neighbors, co-workers, and   family to join you at church to worship and share the gift of life so others may live.