There is a deep sense of bonding that comes from living and sharing the love of Jesus with others. This kind of Community is much deeper than the giving and receiving of gifts. Community of this nature reaches the level of living and sharing life encircled by the love and grace of Jesus. As we serve families from our community and grow to know their wishes and needs, our desire is to develop relationships that will continue long after Jubilee day. Please join us in praying that our Jubilee Families experience this sense of Community through our words and actions. Your participation in providing toys, additional gift items, baking, or helping Jubilee Day is appreciated. Toys and non-gift items are to be returned to church by Sunday, December 6. If you are bringing refreshments for Jubilee Day, please place them in the church kitchen on Friday, December 11, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and marked for Jubilee. STORIES TO CELEBRATE T...