
Showing posts from May, 2013


Get ready to Stand Strong Kingdom Rock is the theme for this year’s Vacation Bible School.  VBS this year is the week of June 24 through 28 from 9:00 a.m. through 12:00 noon.  Please sign up to help the children learn about God and sign up your children to participate.  More importantly, please tell you friends and neighbors so they can sign up their children as well.  Come to the table in the Gathering Place for more information. REGISTER FOR VBS Click Here Watch a Video about VBS Click Here

Godspeak Worship Team

Have you always wanted to sing praises in a small group?  Have you always wanted to play guitar or drums with a worship team?  Well, now is your chance.  Godspeak, the praise and worship team for the Thursday evening “Simply With God” service is, holding auditions!  You don’t have to be a great performer – just have the heart of a worship leader. Anyone who is grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 or adults may audition.  Child care can be provided.  Godspeak meets on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. for 1 hour to rehearse.  COME AND MAKE A NOISE – JOYFUL OR OTHERWISE – WITH GODSPEAK.    Please call the church office if you want more details or to set up a time to audition.

A Letter from Pastor Mark June 2013

Dear Friends, As I am writing this letter, I am still reeling from the news of the terrible tragedy that continues to unfold in Oklahoma.  I am sure that all of you know that an F5 tornado devastated Moore, a suburb of Oklahoma City.  At the time of my writing this communication, we still do not have complete information on the total number of fatalities and injuries.  We do know that the damage can only be described as complete and total devastation. As I have watched the news reports over the past several days, I have heard people tell their stories.  Over and over again I heard people say, “All I could do was pray.”  “I prayed that God would keep me and my family safe.”  On one report I saw a video clip that had been filmed by a person that was a safe distance away from the storm.  As he taped the scene he witnessed the incredible power and destruction that was happening right before his eyes.  The person audibly offered this prayer....

A Serve Update June 2013

Have you seen the recent publication of the SUMC SERVE Ministries Brochure ? It includes a listing of Serve/Connectional Ministries and Serve/Communal Ministries. A Serve/Connectional Ministry team allows others to connect to God through Jesus Christ by           ·    Supporting the discipleship path and encouraging team members to                               Connect/Grow/Serve           ·    Promoting a Christ-centered theology           ·    Being intentional about making new disciples of Jesus Christ for the                          transformation of the  world.               ·   Being hospitable to guests A few examples of Serve/Connectional Ministries are Children’s Min...

A Thank You from Kairos Ministries

Thank You SUMC Friends, Thank you so much for your support of Kairos Ministry at Rockville Correctional Facility for Women.  We appreciate your prayers, cookie making, donations and attendance at the closing ceremony.  The women at the Rockville Facility were very grateful. If you would like to learn more about Kairos Ministries, please talk to one of us. Thank You, Sarah Holwager Billie Hunteman Connie Klipsch Becky Reel

Rest Area Ministry

It is with much excitement that I share SUMC’s Rest Area Ministry with you! You can be in mission to people close to home by serving refreshments at the “Rest Area”    during Farhill Downs Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale on Saturday, June 22.  We are the hands and feet of Christ while handing out hot dogs, drinks, popsicles, and providing a shady rest area for folks in the neighborhood attending the garage sale.  No Rest Area is complete without a port-o-let, which will be available to all!  These gifts of food and drink are free to those who receive as a symbol of the love of Christ which is a free gift to us. Please contact the church office for more information or to sign up 317-784-9508. You are a light in the darkness; a beacon to bring the good news to those in need in our world.  “When did we see you hungry and feed you?” was asked ,and Jesus said, “Whenever you did it for the least of these, you did it unto me.”

New Song Mission

New Song Mission’s first set of house parents have moved into home A!  They are a young couple with three children of their own who have been prayerfully sought for many months.  We praise God for his wonderful provision.  Watch for more specific information on this first family soon.  They will be trained and ready to receive deserving children later this summer. It’s a very exciting time! In the weeks and months ahead, a focused effort will be made to reach out to potential referral sources of children — homeless shelters, children’s ministries and agencies, churches, educators, and counseling centers.  Bob Schloss, Founder/Director of New Song Mission, believes that the Lord already has in mind the children to be served.  Please pray for these children. Madelyn Altom, a fifth-grader from Southport United Methodist Church, served New Song Mission recently in a big way.  Through a service project required of all fifth-graders at her school, M...

Flag Retirement Ceremony

Boy Scout Troop 39, a ministry of SUMC, will assist with this year’s flag retirement ceremony Friday, June 14, at 7:30 p.m. at Southport Park off  Derbyshire Road.  We appreciate the flags you have provided which were treated with respect when they were flying and will be treated with respect as they are retired. The Boy Scouts have been collecting flags for retirement since last year’s event.  If you have flags you would like retired with honor, place them in the black  plastic container in the coat room area or contact Bill Holzer for pick up. If you plan to attend the ceremony, as you enter the area off Derbyshire Road, you will be directed where to park.  Bring you family, folding chairs or blankets for the event.  Together we will show respect for our American Flag and share appreciation for those who have sacrificed for our freedom.

Food Drive News

Just a reminder, that we will be starting the Hunger Inc. once-a-month food collection  May 30 and June 2.  We will be collecting Spaghetti and Spaghetti Sauce.   There will be a tote for collecting the food in the Gathering Place.  Thanks for walking with Jesus on this Earth.