Students Ministries and Acquire the Fire

Student Ministries and Acquire the Fire

Student Ministries focuses on young people in 5th grade through college students.  This     ministry includes Sunday morning activities in the Underground at 9:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.,    iGod on Wednesday evenings and several events throughout the year.  These young people bring energy, enthusiasm and fresh ideas to the ministries of SUMC, not sometime in the     future, but today!  Reaching these disciples and future disciples of Jesus Christ takes many forms, such as attending the Acquire the Fire.

For more than 20 years Acquire the Fire has been more than a conference with  great teaching, more than a concert with the top Christian bands and more than youth have ever experienced!       Acquire the Fire is tens of thousands of youth coming together over 27 hours to be set apart  from the distractions and influences of the world, long enough to encounter God in a total   revolution of the heart.  Many teens today are spending their time, money and passion on   pursuing “things” in order to bring them happiness.  However, the “things” in life are not things at all; true lasting joy is found in pursuing that which is eternal.  ATF has created a unique environment that brings lasting life change through compelling dramas,  anointed   worship, exciting Christian bands and powerful teaching and preaching…more than 2.7     million teens have been reached and will never be the same!

Several SUMC youth experienced this event for the first time in 2013.  There was enough   activity to keep the students engaged, and there were break-out sessions for Junior high, Senior high, parents and youth workers.  It is a well thought out event for the entire group.

Here is how YOU can help.  Accept the joy of sponsoring a youth to Acquire the Fire! Total cost is approximately $75 per person for the $35 ticket, 4 meals and transportation to the event.  For the February 2014 event, we have purchased 30 seats on the floor, directly in front of the stage and we expect to need more.  Our goal is to fill those 30 seats with all youth, and we need to reserve another 30 for parents/adults/youth-workers.  The youth members and families are asked to pay their own way, but sometimes this will cause financial hardship.  Please prayerfully consider sponsoring a youth through SUMC.  Please designate your sponsorship “Sponsor Youth ATF.”


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