How Ministries are Alike

Boys To Men           (January through May)
Community Fall Festival (September)
God’s Will Breakfast (monthly)
God’s Workers (monthly)
Habitat Build (fall)
Health Ministries (ongoing)
Homecroft Elementary (ongoing partnership)
Interfaith Hospitality Network (two rotations per year of two weeks each)
Jubilee Christmas (November and December)
Loving Hearts Helping Hands (ongoing)
One Body One Mission (fall)
One Mission Society (annual contribution)
Perry Township Religious Education (annual contribution)
Prison Ministry (2-3 times a year, new for 2014)
Rest Area Ministry (summer)
Ronald McDonald House (monthly)
Sumner’s Garden (spring, summer, fall)
Upper Sand Mountain Alabama Mission Trip (July)
Vacation Bible School (June)
Weekday Children’s Ministry (scholarship support)

How are they alike?  Each one received financial support in 2013, either in part or in total from contributions designated for FAITH PROMISE.  Faith Promise is an opportunity for extra mile giving to support the church’s community and outreach ministries. These ministries continue because of your generous support.  The opportunity to give in this way can be done at any time during the year, weekly, monthly, etc. and noted as a Faith Promise gift.  For brief explanations about the above ministries, “SERVE Ministries” brochures are available at Guest Services or the church office. You may also contact the church office for more detailed information about a ministry and ways to get involved through serving.


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