
Showing posts from March, 2014

A Letter from Pastor Mark-April

Dear Friends, I have been delighted at the percentage of the congregation that is involved in some kind of spiritual growth group.   Doug Shinkle has done a great job in organizing these groups that we call Journey Groups.   This is an appropriate name for the groups because we are all on a journey of spiritual growth. I hope that many of you will consider being part of a Journey Group during the next semester of offerings.   These will begin in June and last anywhere from six to ten weeks.   Doug will be advertising the groups he will be offering soon. One of the great benefits of being a part of a group is being with other people.   Knowledge is a great thing; but when we are in a group, we can share with others what God is doing in our lives and we can hear what God is doing in other people’s lives.   One of the things that we should do every time we get together in groups is to ask the question, “How is it with your soul?”   As we ponde...

Journey Groups are Coming! Again?

I was reviewing a Bible study recently called The Gospel Primer.   In the first chapter, I read the following quote from a gentleman whose name is Kevin Turner. “The gospel of Christ is inherently a missionary gospel.   It is a message that changes a life, changes a course, changes affections, changes values, changes worldview, changes love, changes loyalty, and should change either our giving or our going – or both.   But the gospel cannot leave you as you are, the way you are, and where you are, or it cannot possibly be the gospel you have received.” It is all about transformation; slowly but surely, transforming toward Christlikeness.   It is about continually taking steps forward.   It is not about “one and done” (to quote a “March Madness” phrase).   Through Journey Groups that we offer three times per year, we have opportunities to continually take steps toward Christ. Be looking for a course catalog and for signups to begin in late A...

Upper Sand Mountain Mission Trip

This year’s mission trip to Upper Sand Mountain, located in northeastern, Alabama near Chattanooga, Tennessee, is scheduled for Sunday, July 6 through Saturday, July 12.   When you talk with someone who has previously served at Upper Sand, they will tell you that personally it is a wonderful experience and one where they felt they had made a difference in other’s lives. Plan to attend the information meeting on Tuesday, April 29, at 7:00 p.m. in the Gathering Place.   You will hear what type of work will be done on the trip, any specific skills that are needed, and travel and cost information. Besides construction work at area homes, the team works in a cannery and a thrift shop.   This requires a variety of talents and skill levels.   Teenagers, adults, individuals, and families are welcome to be part of the team. If a mission trip has been on your list of experiences to have and opportunities to serve, come on April 29 and have your questions answered wh...

Blood Drive

So uthport United Methodist Church  Blood Drive Sunday, April 6, 2014    9:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.    Gathering Place Eligibility The donation process takes less than an hour. It is recommended that donors have a light snack before donating. Most people are eligible to donate. There are very few causes for deferral and very few medications that are not acceptable. Not sure if you are eligible to donate? Indiana Blood Center must see 550 individuals each and every day to meet patient needs at the 60+ hospitals it supplies. More questions? Feel free to contact Ashley Lesage (

Impact 2818 Outdoor Ministries

Representatives from the Indiana Conference camping ministry will be in the Gathering Place Sunday, April 13, at 3:00 p.m.    Families are encouraged to attend to hear about summer camping opportunities for children from kindergarten through high school, for families, and for people with special needs.   They will also talk about safety standards, camp director/counselor opportunities, and scholarships available through the conference.   For scholarships from SUMC, see Bobbi Howell.   To get more information about specific camps go to

Food Collections

In the month of March, we delivered 109 pounds of tuna and food items to Hunger, Inc.  Thank you for your service to this ministry.  In May , we will be collecting canned   vegetables on May 1 and May 4.   All items must be in original packaging and unopened. In the month of April , we will not be collecting a specific food item.  We will be collecting food for Fletcher Place Food Pantry.   The Food Drive collection is from March 15-April 15. The food items we are collecting are listed below.  They may be placed in the coat rack    area under the FOOD DRIVE sign.  We are also writing notes to include in the food bags handed out.  If you want to write an inspirational note on a card, the cards are located above the Food Drive sign.  Please help yourself to several cards and then return them to the pencil box provided.  In both of these ministries, you are the hands and feet of Jesus.  Others can see Jes...

Kairos Offers Many Ways to Serve

Four women of SUMC (Lyndsay Bierce, Karen Decatur, Billie Hunteman and Connie Klipsch) are in the midst of training to serve at a Kairos Prison Ministry weekend at the Indiana Women’s Prison (IWP) June 5-8.   They are among at least 44 women from various churches in the Central Indiana area who will minister to 42 incarcerated women at IWP. On April 24 and 27, representatives will be at a Next Steps table to let you know how you can be a vital part of that ministry. There are many ways those who do not wish to serve inside the prison walls can help to make the spiritual retreat a success.   The first is prayer.   It is an extremely emotional moment when the participants see a long    prayer chain with thousands of names of people who are praying for them.   You can sign up for a time to pray and receive a reminder slip about that time as well as a list of specific ideas for prayer. Another way to help is to bake cookies.   If this is yo...