Upper Sand Mountain Mission Trip

This year’s mission trip to Upper Sand Mountain, located in northeastern, Alabama near Chattanooga, Tennessee, is scheduled for Sunday, July 6 through Saturday, July 12.  When you talk with someone who has previously served at Upper Sand, they will tell you that personally it is a wonderful experience and one where they felt they had made a difference in other’s lives.

Plan to attend the information meeting on Tuesday, April 29, at 7:00 p.m. in the Gathering Place.  You will hear what type of work will be done on the trip, any specific skills that are needed, and travel and cost information. Besides construction work at area homes, the team works in a cannery and a thrift shop.  This requires a variety of talents and skill levels.  Teenagers, adults, individuals, and families are welcome to be part of the team. If a mission trip has been on your list of experiences to have and opportunities to serve, come on April 29 and have your questions answered while being inspired.

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