Thank you for your food donations last month. This is the report on our contribution to Servant's Heart in Beech Grove, serving Perry Township and Beech Grove families and individuals.
It was a pretty busy day (March 9) at Servant's Heart, but fortunately we had about 15 workers, some other volunteers and Roncalli students to staff the pantry and serve the 50 families we had that day. Those families represented 141 family members. In addition, we had five new workers to our team. 263 lbs. of food were donated by the members from Southport United Methodist Church. If you are interested in serving at Servant's Heart please let the church know. The donation work time for Southport is usually the 2nd Saturday of the month with April 13th our next work day.
April's Food Collection is the 4th to 7th:
Laundry Soaps
Toilet Paper
Canned meats
Canned pastas
Again thanks for being the hands and feet of Jesus from Southport UMC.