Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)
Southport UMC continues to be an important and much appreciated supporter of IHN/Family Promise. Through this ministry we have the opportunity to serve families who are currently in a homeless situation. We will welcome IHN guests at our next rotation, May 25 through June 8. During this two-week period we will accommodate families at our church. More information will be coming soon on how you can get involved.
However we have an opportunity to help now by supporting the Family Promise Spring Clothing Drive. We are collecting gently used clothing through May 11. Clothing ONLY - no shoes or household items can be accepted at this time. Bags will be delivered to the Day Center during the week of May 12-May 18. Goodwill Industries will then send a truck to pick up the bags and in turn give Family Promise vouchers for clothing at their stores. IHN guests and Aftercare clients can then shop at a Goodwill store and are able to choose which clothing size they need for their families.
Spring is here and it is a great time to clean out closets and dressers and bring those no longer needed, gently used clothing items to the church for the Family Promise Clothing Drive. Please bring your clothing donations, in white kitchen trash bags if possible, and place them under the coat area in the hallway leading to the east wing.