
Showing posts from May, 2014

A Letter From Pastor Mark - June

Dear Friends, I want to share with each of you a development in the life of Southport United Methodist Church.   Recently, the Leadership Team approved making our Director of Student Ministries (youth director) a full-time position.   The Leadership Team made this decision based on the importance of reaching and nurturing the next generation. I believe that this is a decision that is right, and we probably should have made this move several years ago.   With that being said, we need to look forward to the future and envision a dynamic and vital ministry for our youth and young adults.    Quite frankly, we haven’t given this age level enough attention and help as they try to develop a faith that will help them navigate the challenges of life.   Our past Directors of Student Ministries have done a tremendous job with the time on the job and resources that were allotted to them.   We thank each of them for their efforts, but we now need to do mo...

Rest Area Ministry

It is with much excitement that we share SUMC's Rest Area Ministry with you!   You can be in mission to people close to home by serving refreshments at the "Rest Area" during Farhill Downs Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale on Saturday, June 14. We are the hands and feet of Christ while handing out hot dogs, drinks, popsicles, and providing a rest area for folks in the neighborhood attending the garage sale. No Rest Area is complete without a port-o-let, which will be available to all!   These gifts of food and drink are free to those who receive as a symbol of the love of Christ is a free gift to us. We will serve from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.   Shifts are various lengths of time depending on availability of servers. No experience is necessary – we will provide on-the-job training!   Please contact the church office for more information or to sign up. You are a light in the darkness; a beacon to bring the good news to those in need in our world....


Boy Scout Troop 39, a ministry of SUMC, is collecting flags to be honorably retired in the flag retirement ceremony on Flag Day, Saturday, June 14.   The event will be at 7:30 p.m. at Southport Park off Derbyshire Road. If you have an American Flag that is worn, torn, tattered, soiled and in need of being honorably retired, you can place it in the black plastic container in the coat room area at church, or bring it to the retirement ceremony.   If you plan to attend the ceremony, as you enter the park off Derbyshire Road, you will be directed where to park.  Bring your family, folding chairs and blanket.  Respect for our American Flag will show appreciation for those who have sacrificed for our freedom.

SUMC's April Blood Drive Success

SUMC partnered with Liam’s Army for our April blood drive, and this young man’s story inspired many first time donors, repeat donors, and members of our community to give back in a very special way.  Liam is a 4-year-old who has recently undergone a heart transplant and has a connection to SUMC’s Imagination Station.   We exceeded our goal of 28 units in the blood drive and collected 32 units of blood!  In the three 2013 blood drives, there was a TOTAL of 29 donations in all for the year!  Great job in getting 2014 collections off to a great start! Mark your calendar for the next drive:  Sunday, August 17 so you can contribute your special gift of life!

Successful Food Drive for 2014

The annual Food Drive and Scouting for Food 2014 was a huge success!!!!  This is due to the combined efforts of Boy Scout Troop 39, Pack 134, United Methodist Women's Lenten Breakfast, and Southport UMC: an awesome team that helped serve and feed the hungry.      The totals for the Fletcher Place Pantry Food Drive are approximately:                         1572 items collected                         389 bags of food                         Total value of $10,553      The totals for the Hunger, Inc Food Drive are:                         130 lbs of food   ...

JOY Travelers

The second trip for the JOY Travelers will be August 8, 2014.  The group of ecumenical senior citizens will travel to the Louisville area.  The first event is a two-hour cruise with a lunch buffet on the Belle of Louisville.  That will be followed by a trip to the Falls of Ohio with a tour guide at the Interpretative Center.  Total cost for the day trip is $60 per person and includes all expenses.  Reservations begin June 1 and will continue until July 21.  Payment secures a place on the 54-passenger luxury motor coach. If you want more information, please contact Herberta Bierce (317-748-1256 or     or Billie Hunteman (317-783-7502 or Checks are made payable to Mark Spangler and are sent to Herberta Bierce, 830 Cloudy Wing Dr. #112, Indianapolis, IN  46227.  The bus will begin loading at 8:30 a.m. August 8 and return by app...

Life Line Screening

Life Line Screening has partnered with more than 150 hospitals across the country and has screened nearly 8 million participants. Why? Because the ultrasound screening that we offer can help save your life.    A Stroke Screening is Coming to You Neighborhood: Where: Indianapolis–Southport United Methodist Church Sponsored By: St. Vincent Health When: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 Pre-registration is required. Call: 1-888-653-6450 To register for your appointment and to receive a special $10 discount, please call 1-888-653-6450 or visit