A Letter from Pastor Chris

Dear Friends,
           I am excited about the many things that are happening at Southport UMC this month.  There are many things going on at Southport UMC as we continue in ministry to the Southside of Indianapolis, but I would like to highlight a few opportunities, as well as share some information about changes that are coming this month.
First of all, because of storm damage we are getting a new roof. This work will begin after September 8 and will take around a week to complete (weather permitting). Secondly, we will begin signups for Journey Groups this month, and I encourage everyone to take this opportunity to grow in your faith through a small group. Finally, at the end of this month we have a great opportunity to share with our neighbors through the Community Fall Festival.  Over the last couple of months we have been learning in worship that we need to share our faith story, and we can only do this through building relationships. Community Fall Festival is an excellent chance for us to practice our relationship building skills as we host a big party for our community in Jesus’ name.
As we prepare for this excellent opportunity, we are going to practice by having a     Tailgate party before and after worship Thursday, September 4 and Sunday, September 7.   We will have tailgating fun and food.  Wear your favorite jersey (whether that’s the Colts or not), and invite someone else to celebrate as we prepare for Community Fall Festival. This is also an opportunity to help with Community  Fall Festival by bringing some of your favorite tailgating treats to donate for the festival.  We are in need of cases of soda (name brand please), cases of bottled water, boxes of Capri Suns, boxes of snack cakes and condiments (mustard, mayonnaise and relish), as well as new school supplies to give to the neighborhood children during the festival. I hope you will join in the festivities as we come together to build relationships with our community to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Chris

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