
Showing posts from September, 2014

A Letter from Pastor Mark - October

Dear Friends,            If you attended worship Thursday, September 25 or Sunday, September 28 then you know that as a church we started a new sermon series.   This sermon series is based on the role and work of the Holy Spirit. When it comes to understanding who God is I have had more questions on the Holy Spirit than I have received on any other aspect of God.   Most people have a general understanding of God the Father.   Likewise most people understand who Jesus is as the Son of God.   However, when it comes to the Holy Spirit most of us are bit more vague in our comprehension of the third person of the Trinity. With that in mind Pastor Chris and I are preaching a five week sermon series on the Holy Spirit.   Here are the titles and scriptures for the remaining four weeks of the series. October 2 & 5 The Spirit of God: What is the Will of the Holy Spirit for You? Romans 8:14-16 Oc...

CROP Walk Sunday, October 19

You can be part of an outreach that helps feed people locally and around the world. The CROP WALK is an annual event and locally sponsored. Enjoy a lovely walk, approximately 3 miles long in the Butler University neighborhood.  This is a great family activity as well as an individual one. Invite your friends and neighbors to come along. On October 2 and 5, 9 and 12 the NEXT STEPS table will provide information about the CROP WALK. We are collecting canned and packaged food items to be donated to local food pantries, registering walkers, and offering opportunities to be involved. On CROP Walk Sunday, October 19, we will have a luncheon in the Gathering Place after the 11:15 worship for SUMC walkers and team members. Then we carpool to Christian Theological Seminary to register and walk. Some walkers from SUMC will be wearing dark blue shirts, however this is optional. If you are not available or able to walk this year and would like to help, stop at the Next Steps table...

Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)

Southport UMC continues to be an important and much appreciated supporter of IHN/Family Promise.  Through this ministry we have the opportunity to serve families who are currently in a homeless situation. We welcome IHN guests at our next rotation, November 2 —16 when SUMC will be their temporary home. Information on how you can serve with IHN will be available at Next Steps on October 9 and 12 and 23 and 26.


  We have an opportunity to help now by supporting the Family Promise Fall Clothing Drive.  We are collecting gently used clothing from October 19-26.  Clothing ONLY - no shoes or household items can be accepted at this time. SUMC donations will be delivered to the Day Center on October 27. Goodwill Industries will give vouchers to Family Promise so IHN guests and Aftercare clients can shop and choose what clothing sizes they need for their families.  Fall is here and it is a great time to clean out your closets and bring those no longer needed, gently used clothing items to the church for the Family Promise Clothing Drive. Please bring your clothing donations, in white kitchen trash bags if possible, and place them under the coat area in the hallway leading to the east wing from October 19-26.

MOPS Group

   MOPS is a movement that acknowledges that moms are influential. Moms are the generation growers, the healers, the life incubators. Moms make a huge difference in the health of the world and because of that, we want moms to flourish, and to know that they are valuable and loved. Make time for you, mom. Come share your story and hear other moms tell their stories. See what MOPS is all about at our first Mini MOPS meeting October 15, at 6:30 p.m.   MOPS is open to moms with children from birth to 1st grade.   For more information please contact the church office 784-9508.

The Underground

The Underground will be opening up to the public starting October 10 every weekend, except holidays. Friday nights will consist of Jr. High (6th grade - 8th grade) from 7:00p.m. -10:00p.m. and Saturday nights will consist of Sr. High (9th grade - 12th grade) from 8:00p.m.   -11:00p.m. If you are interested in serving any of these nights please contact our Youth Pastor, Kelcey Snyder. Email:

Flu Vaccine Clinic

The Marion County Public Health Department will be holding a Flu Shot Clinic at Southport United Methodist Church, Tuesday, October 7, from 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m.   Flu Vaccine $15, Pneumonia Vaccine $40, Tetnus and Tdap Vaccines are $20 each.