A Letter from Pastor Mark - October

Dear Friends,
If you attended worship Thursday, September 25 or Sunday, September 28 then you know that as a church we started a new sermon series.  This sermon series is based on the role and work of the Holy Spirit. When it comes to understanding who God is I have had more questions on the Holy Spirit than I have received on any other aspect of God.  Most people have a general understanding of God the Father.  Likewise most people understand who Jesus is as the Son of God.  However, when it comes to the Holy Spirit most of us are bit more vague in our comprehension of the third person of the Trinity.
With that in mind Pastor Chris and I are preaching a five week sermon series on the Holy Spirit.  Here are the titles and scriptures for the remaining four weeks of the series.

October 2 & 5
The Spirit of God: What is the Will of the Holy Spirit for You?
Romans 8:14-16

October 9 & 12
The Spirit of God: The Mind of the Spirit
Ephesians 3:16-19

October 23 & 26
The Spirit of God: Leads Us

I encourage each of you to be present for all of these messages so that your understanding of the Holy Spirit can become more full and complete.

There are a couple of events I want to make each of you aware of.  On Wednesday, October 8 I will be hosting a Pizza with the Pastor meeting at 6:30 p.m.  This meeting will consist of food (pizza and drinks will be provided), fellowship and a time for me to explain how one makes a profession of faith and enters into the fellowship of the church.  If you would like to learn about making a profession of faith and becoming an official part of Southport United Methodist Church then just call the church office (784-9508) and let us know you are coming.  We will have a great time together.

On Thursday, October 9 at 7:00 p.m. there will be a ministry leaders meeting in the Gathering Area.  I will start that meeting with a teaching session on the lifecycle of a church.  I want to extend an invitation for anyone to come and hear this teaching about how a church moves through many lifecycles and what that means for the ministry of the church in general.  You don’t need to tell anyone you are coming.  All you have to do is show up and be a part of the teaching session.  If you are not a ministry leader you are free to leave after the time of the teaching.

I hope you will be able to take advantage of these opportunities.

In Christ’s Abundant Love,
Pastor Mark


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