Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) Guests arrive April 12!
Most of us are able to go home at the end of the day to a warm and secure home. We have food ready to eat. We relax by watching TV, playing video games, or reading a good book. When we get into bed, it is the same bed that we are used to, and it provides rest for the next day. Imagine if we had all of this taken away for whatever reason. This is how being homeless would feel, and it affects the entire family.
Through Family Promise’s Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN), homeless families find safe places to stay while they recover from their current condition. Congregations throughout the city open their doors to serve families offering that warm, safe environment.
Beginning Sunday, April 12, we become the people these families can count on. During their two-week stay, we provide transportation to and from the IHN Day Center. We prepare family dinners and join our guests in eating together. At the end of the day, we stay overnight so that the families know someone is available for emergencies. In the morning we have breakfast before the families leave to return to the Day Center. We have so many opportunities to serve our guest families and an even greater opportunity to be present, sharing Jesus’ love.
Please be someone our guest families can count on. The IHN Leadership Team will answer your questions and welcome your involvement. Contact the church office for more information, or 784-9508.