Food Collection for Hunger Inc.
The waiting room at Hunger, Inc. on Epler Ave. is packed and the shelves are empty. How is that going to work??? I am not sure, but they seem to get it done.
The food we collect Communion Thursday and Sunday is always needed. What a privilege it is to drop the donated food off at Hunger, Inc. and know that SUMC has helped those needing help.
The collection for the month of September is on September 3 and 6. We are looking for Soups. They can be canned or powdered.
Thank you for signing your name as you donate. Your name helps with celebrating the number of servants who have helped with our collection.
Also, if anyone is looking for a way to SERVE at SUMC and want to help with taking the food to Hunger, Inc., let the church know your desire and we will contact you. It is neither a hard job nor time consuming. But it is very rewarding.
In October, we will again participate in the CROP Walk held on the Bulter Campus. More information will come later, but know that we will collect all kinds of food to support this activity. We will again collect food on October 1 and 4. The food will be held until the CROP Walk date and delivered to the Walk site.
The November collection will happen on October 29 and November 1. We will collect Soup Beans, Pork and Beans, and Crackers.
December we will collect canned or packaged pastas.
Remember that this is a mission activity that everyone can participate in by just bringing in a food item.
Thanks for your service,
Sandy Tilton