Numbers can be important, but people and lives are more so. So instead of figures and totals, thanks be to God for the generosity you have shown in supporting Faith Promise this year. Faith Promise is a fund for “extra mile giving” for community outreach so that:
· Children and youth were able to attend Christian summer camps
· Struggling individuals in the Fletcher Place area received warm breakfasts
· Homeless families were welcomed, fed and given a place to rest
· Women who are incarcerated heard about the forgiveness and love of Jesus
· Families with critically and terminally ill children found comfort through dinner and
Community area children and their families experienced love and support for their school needs and during the Christmas holiday with continued contact planned in 2016
Your Faith Promise giving supported the above as well as additional ministries. Much work and many tasks were performed. However, the most important effect your donations have are on people. Ministry is about the people, the new relationships, the way Jesus’ love is expressed in what we do and how we interact, making connections with a troubled and hurting world. Thank you for helping make a difference!