A Letter from Pastor Mark - February

Dear Friends,
This is the last month to investigate how the church can become a missional movement.  For the seventh time let’s look at the definition of a missional movement.  A missional movement is when the people of the church are so excited about Jesus that they live his ways and his  message goes viral, passed on from person to person.
A missional movement must have missional DNA or mDNA.  The six elements of mDNA are the following:
· Jesus is Lord
· Disciple-making
· Missional-incarnational impulse
· Apostolic Environment
· Organic Systems
· Communitas

The final element of mDNA is Communitas.  This doesn’t mean that we have a nice friendly community in the church.  It means that we develop strong bonds of connection that are rooted in our common discipleship in Jesus Christ.  As we pray for one another for the strength to live the Spirit of Jesus in the world so that others will come to know him, we will develop communitas.  As we work together to find the most effective ways to live the ways of Jesus in the world, we will develop communitas.  As we risk our personal well-being and risk the reputation and resources of the church to reach more people for Christ, we will develop communitas.

Communitas doesn’t come just from sharing a donut and coffee with someone on Sunday morning.  Communitas comes from living life together as we fulfill Christ’s mission to make disciples and then become the visible expression of Christ in the world. Communitas will lead us to weep as one when one of our number hurts.  Communitas will lead us to hurt as one when one of our number is ill.  Communitas will enable us to stand as one as we go into a   hostile world to proclaim a gospel that is foreign to most people.
Communitas is what sustains us as a missional movement.
I hope this several-month journey of investigating the elements of what we need to be a  missional movement has helped you to understand what kind of church Jesus is calling us to be.

In Christ’s Abundant Love,
Pastor Mark

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