April 23, 2016 SUMC Workday

Come join Troop 39 and Pack 39 – Ministries of SUMC – as they partner with other available SUMC Youth to have a workday on Saturday, April 23, beginning at 9:00 a.m.

We will be addressing outside maintenance and upkeep of bushes, trees, mulch in the    playground, resetting cement barriers, fence lines and cleanup on all of the SUMC properties.  Any skill level is welcomed to partner and support youth and fellow members.

We will be meeting at the church at 9:00 a.m., then plan to work until we have addressed identified items to be taken care of – hopefully less than four hours.  Good weather and the more volunteers available will lighten the load for everyone. 

If you have some hand tools and gloves you would like to use and share, please bring them.

Your support to maintain our properties will be accomplished with your help.  You will be sharing time with youth and others interested in providing an inviting and safe place to worship.

If you have any questions, please contact the church office 784-9508.

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