Upper Sand Mountain Mission Trip
The Upper Sand Mountain Mission Trip is scheduled for June 12-18. We will travel to Section, Alabama, to share our skills of building, painting, cleaning, and many other chores (just hammering nails is a skill). If you are interested in attending, the final date to sign up is May 22. We are in need of drivers to help with transportation to and from Alabama and to take participants to the work sites. The cost per team member is $80 which provides for the food and gasoline. Our Faith Promise fund covers the expenses set by USMP for supplies.
All team members and leaders are asked to attend the orientation meeting April 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the church. At this time we will discuss the trip and take care of paperwork. If you miss the meeting, just let the church know you are still interested and your information will be passed on to the team leaders who will get in touch with you.
Come share your talents, enjoy meals together, times of fellowship and devotions, play, rest, and meet the people of USMP.