
Showing posts from May, 2016

A Letter from Pastor Mark - June

Dear Friends, I would like to bring something to your attention that doesn’t fall into the area of ministry or of spiritual concern.   You might call it dealing with some housekeeping or logistic issues. I believe that as a church we need to be as energy consumption conscious as possible.   I believe that for two reasons: ·   It makes environmental sense to use only the amount of energy (heating, lights etc.) that we need. ·   It also helps us be better stewards of the financial resources of the church.   We shouldn’t waste electricity and heating energy because they cost money. So, with that being said, I need to ask your help with something.   Many times I come to the church very early to start my work day.   When I arrive, it is not unusual to find lights burning (not security lights but other lights) through a large part of the church building.   Most of the time the lights in the main restrooms in the Gathering Place are on ove...


UNITING WITH THE CHURCH – MONDAY, JUNE 6 Pastor Mark shares the mission and vision of Southport United Methodist Church, the    difference between being a “member” and being a “Disciple,” and how each person is called to ministry. Would you like to make Southport your church home?   Please plan to attend the next “UNITING WITH THE CHURCH” session on Monday, June 6, at 7 p.m.   Child care is provided by request. Call the church office, 784-9508, or indicate your desire to attend on your registration card.   FLAG RETIREMENT CEREMONY – JUNE 14 Annually under the leadership of our Scouting Ministry, we participate in the Flag Retirement Ceremony at Southport Park. If you have an American Flag that is worn, torn, or soiled and in need of being honorably retired, place it in the black plastic container in the coat room area. Flags are collected all year long. Everyone is invited to attend the ceremony on Tuesday, June 14, at 7:30 p.m. Bring your fa...


We are blessed by our continuing partnership with Homecroft Elementary, and this summer we will celebrate “Christmas in July” again. We are grateful to the school staff for their input on some of the daily needs of our Perry Township Families including the emergencies that come up. The Jubilee Team will be at the Next Steps table July 7/10, 14/17, and 21/ 24 to answer    questions and share information about Christmas in July and how you can participate. Tag boards with the suggested needs will be available starting June 30 and July 3 with a request that all donated items be returned by July 24 for delivery to Homecroft before the first day of school on the 27.  There will be tags for a variety of clothing and miscellaneous items and for gift cards. There is always a great need for gift cards which allow the school staff to shop for items that are     needed in emergency situations.    The Community Festival and Movie Night event ...

Hunger Inc. Donations

WOW!!!  In May we delivered 145 pounds of canned food to Hunger, Inc.  What a great job our church family is doing in feeding the less fortunate.  Thanks so much for your service.  June donations are coming up and they are spaghetti and sauce.  The dates for collecting are Thursday, June 2, and Sunday, June 5. July collections are Pancake Mix and Syrup.  The dates for collecting are Thursday, June 30, and Sunday, July 3.   If you are interested in helping with the Food Collections, please call the church at 784-9508 for more information.  Enjoy your summer, but think of all the kids home without food and plan to donate a little more these months. Again thanks for helping the hungry.


Thank you to SUMC for all the support for Kairos this spring.  Three separate teams of volunteers were supported in many areas.  First of all, thanks to all who prayed for the weekends.  Individual persons’ names became links in a chain which represented thousands of prayers being offered around the clock for the weekends.  After the participants inside the walls of the prison were told that they were not alone, the very lengthy prayer chain was brought out and then later displayed so that they could see how many outside as well as inside the walls of their prisons were praying for them.  Thanks for all the cookies that were baked, the funds donated by individuals as well as SUMC, lunches provided during training by Roofcrashers and UMW, posters and placemats and to those who served on teams.  Nine individuals from SUMC were on teams this spring:  Walt Trammell at Plainfield Correctional Facility; Lesa Bellin, Sherry Clouser, Karen Decatur, Bil...

Coming in August- Girls with God! Beginning, Friday 8/26 & Saturday 8/27.

We want to worship with girls in grades 6 - 10, to share the love of Jesus, and to grow   relationships with him. Join us for manicures, games, painting, singing and spiritual growth.   Help us as we make   No Sew Blankets for Riley Children's hospital and assemble hygiene kits for less fortunate.     We can do all things in Christ who gives us strength!   Contact the church office at 784-9508 for additional information and permission slips.

Former SUMC Pastor Philip Dorrell is Retiring
