Financial Peace University
This fall, we will CELEBRATE what God has provided for us as we explore what God’s Word has to say about money and our attitude towards possessions. Did you know that there are more than 800 scriptures that apply to personal finances? And Jesus talked more about money than any other topic during his earthly ministry, including heaven, hell, sin or love!
Giving is not about rules or obligations. Giving is about responding to God’s generosity towards us. As Christians, we believe that God is a generous giver of all good gifts. And we believe that God has created us in His image to be generous givers as well. As believers, we are the most blessed when we are giving of our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. In other words, when we CELEBRATE and share God’s generosity with the world.
As part of embracing these ideas, we’re going to begin a 9-week class called Financial Peace University (FPU) as a congregation. The class covers everything from the basics of budgeting and saving to real estate and investing in a way that’s fun and easy to understand! And it’s all rooted in the timeless truth of God’s Word.
More information about classes and the opportunity to sign-up will begin with worship services on Thursday, August 11, and Sunday, August 14.