
Showing posts from August, 2016

A Letter from Pastor Mark - September

Dear Friends, Over the fifteen years of being the pastor at Southport United Methodist Church, I have never shared any personal projects in which I am involved.   I am going to make an exception to that in my September pastoral letter.   I am presently training to participate in a 10 K race.   For those of you who regularly participate in half or full marathons you might wonder why a 10 K race takes any preparation.   Just let it suffice to say that if I didn’t train for this race I am sure I wouldn’t make it.   However, the race itself is not really the point.   I am participating in this race to raise money for the organization Autism Speaks.   Autism Speaks is one of the main organizations that promotes research regarding the condition of autism.   This organization also actively funds the quest for a cure and provides support for individuals and families who are dealing with the issue of autism. Many of you probably know that my wi...


  Hunger Inc. Food Collection WOW!!!  Our August food collection of cereal was amazing!!  Cereal is not really heavy, but you helped collect 116 pounds of cereal!  That was an impressive amount of food.  Someone described it as a “Wall of Cereal.”   The Hunger Inc. pantry was almost bare and the cereal was warmly welcomed.   The variety of cereal was well received since Corn Flakes was the only type of cereal left on the shelf.  We even had several participants helping to unload all that cereal.    Thank you so much for your willingness to help others.  You are working for Jesus!!! Collections for the rest of the year are the following:    September 8 – 11 Soups    September 29 - October 2 Pork and Beans    November 3 - 6   Beans for Soup and Crackers    December 1 - 4 Canned Pasta Meals We will also support Hunger Inc. with the Fall Meijer S...

Upper Sand Mountain Ministry Team News

The 2016 mission trip to Upper Sand Mountain in Alabama offered many opportunities to be involved in the lives of the area residents.   When our team arrives we are given a list of jobs and needs to address while we are there for the week.   However, things happen and trees fall and a new immediate need arises.   The flexibility of participants is one reason this mission trip is so well attended and so appreciated by the people of Upper Sand. What a joy to hear all the good things that happened this year!  Ask a team member, adult or youth to share their stories with you.    At their recent evaluation session, the ministry team leaders highlighted a few items that   require some changes and would like to share this information that applies to the 2017 trip next June.  Through Faith Promise contributions, the USM trip is funded covering the participant fee to USM of $175 for each person.  The fees cover the supplies and resources ...


Jubilee Christmas Day is December 10… Thanks to the Homecroft social workers we have over 20 families from our community who will be invited to experience Jubilee Day with us. Our next step is to secure a SUMC host for each school family who will work together in providing a “Jubilee Christmas.” A Jubilee Host (individual, couple, or family) is matched with a recommended school family and the relationship begins. Opportunities as a Host include: Attend Orientation session  Make the initial contact by phone with your Jubilee family, introducing yourself and ask them to be part of Jubilee Christmas Invite the family to join you for a social gathering where you will meet for the first time, and enjoy refreshments with other families and their hosts   Obtain the children’s clothing sizes and suggestions for gifts Shop with a family adult and select clothing for their children (we do this as a group, hosts and Jubilee families, and the Jubilee Ministry Team, on...


FINANCIAL PEACE REGISTRATION – Continues through September 11 Plan to be part of a church-wide opportunity and learn ways to manage debt, save for the future, and Celebrate all God has done for you. Additional information is available from the church office and in the Gathering Place.   Sessions begin the week of September 12. UNITING WITH THE CHURCH – Wednesday, September 21 Would you like to make Southport your church home? Pastor Mark shares the mission and     vision of Southport United Methodist Church, and the difference between being a “member” and being a “Disciple.” Please plan to attend the next “UNITING WITH THE CHURCH”      session on Wednesday, September 21, at 7 p.m.   Child care will be provided by calling the church office, 784-9508, or when you indicate your desire to attend on your worship registration card.   LOOKING AHEAD October 30 to November 13 - Families from Interfaith Hospitality Network wil...


….the church has a bin in the back parking lot to recycle paper items and everyone can   contribute. The church receives a reimbursement for what is collected. ….if you register your Kroger Plus Card under Community Rewards and select Southport    United Methodist Church as the recipient, each time you grocery shop the church will get a percent donated back to us.  This does not affect your perks in any way! ….if you order from Amazon go to and earn cash for SUMC.  Enter your account and choose SUMC as your organization to earn cash.  Then shop at just like you normally would at ….you may share your financial resources by giving to the church online either through your church account or by using a smartphone and scanning this code.     ….you can support Hunger Inc., a Perry Township Food Pantry, by bringing donations to church the first weekend of ea...


….we have four blood drives a year ….we have several Sunday morning Coffee Ministry serve options ….after a funeral we provide a meal for families who are experiencing the recent death of a loved one ….twice a month on Sunday afternoon we worship, sing, and interact with the residents at the Madison Avenue Nursing Home ….we serve dinner twice a month, one at the Ronald McDonald House and one at RMH in     Riley Hospital ….on the 3rd Thursday of the month breakfast and conversation is how we serve Fletcher Place Community Center neighbors Check at Guest Services for additional information on   “DID YOU KNOW…”


The United Methodist Women’s Circles are gearing up for the start of a new year.   We are inviting all women to come join a circle and see all the great things that are going on. We have 3 circles   that meet on the following schedules: Anna Circle:   Meets the 3rd Monday at 1 p.m. at Rosegate. Leah Circle:   Meets on the 3rd Tuesday at SUMC at 6:30 p.m. Rebekah Circle: Meets on the 2nd Tuesday at SUMC at 7 p.m. UMW Board Meeting:   Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month and all are welcome to attend.   Meetings are at 6:30 p.m. “We invite all women who find meaning in her church and are drawn to its fellowship, who who need a supportive community to affirm her own sense of purpose, and commitment to God.” For more information, contact the church office 317-784-9508.

Update Membership Information

It is time for us to update our database with any changes, addition, or deletions that may have occurred in your family over the past year. If you have not already informed the church office about changes to your record, please let us know now so that the information in the Guide Book & Directory is correct.   You may contact the church office at 784-9508.

Kairos Men’s Weekend

Five men from SUMC, will participate in the Kairos weekend #19 at the Plainfield          Correctional Facility October 20-23.   Anyone interested in attending the closing session the afternoon of October 23 will need to sign up in advance to be placed on the gate release. Contact the church office for more information 317-784-9508.