FINANCIAL PEACE REGISTRATION – Continues through September 11
Plan to be part of a church-wide opportunity and learn ways to manage debt, save for the future, and Celebrate all God has done for you. Additional information is available from the church office and in the Gathering Place. Sessions begin the week of September 12.
UNITING WITH THE CHURCH – Wednesday, September 21
Would you like to make Southport your church home? Pastor Mark shares the mission and vision of Southport United Methodist Church, and the difference between being a “member” and being a “Disciple.” Please plan to attend the next “UNITING WITH THE CHURCH” session on Wednesday, September 21, at 7 p.m. Child care will be provided by calling the church office, 784-9508, or when you indicate your desire to attend on your worship registration card.
October 30 to November 13 - Families from Interfaith Hospitality Network will be our guests
November 20 - Blood Drive