A Letter from Pastor Mark - February
Dear Friends,
I know we have just finished the Advent and Christmas season, but I looked at the calendar and I realized that before you receive the March newsletter, we will be observing Ash Wednesday. March 1 begins the season of Lent and we will have a service on that day that marks the beginning of a 40-day preparation period for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter. This year we will celebrate Easter on April 16.
During the season of Lent we are going to focus worship on how we can grow deeper in our walk with Jesus. The sermon series is entitled “The Discipleship Handbook.” It will be based on the book of 2nd Peter, and we will go through the entire book during the Lenten series.
During Lent we will also be offering a two-week course on “Reading the Bible without Getting Lost.” This two-week course will give people guidelines and hints on how to read the Bible and be able to stick with it. During Lent we are going to focus on a book of the Bible in worship, and we are also going to encourage each of you to begin a Bible reading plan that will take you through the entire Bible in one year. This two-week Bible reading course will help prepare you to be successful in fulfilling the commitment of reading through the Bible in a year.
This year I would like to suggest that you take the challenge to read the Bible in a year. I also want to suggest that you invite someone who you know doesn’t know much about the Bible to take that challenge with you. This person could be a family member, a co-worker, a neighbor or a friend. Then check with each other from time to time to see how you are doing. This way you can encourage each other, and both of you will be spending more time in the Word of God. I believe that if you do this and you and your partner stay with the reading plan, you will be surprised at what effect being in the Word of God on a regular basis will have on you and your Bible reading partner.
I believe this could be a very productive Lent if many of us simply begin a regular regimen of Bible reading. You will be hearing more about these opportunities in the coming month so be looking for announcements in the church bulletin and verbal announcement during the worship services.
In Christ’s Abundant Love,
Pastor Mark
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