Are You On the JOURNEY Of Your Discipleship?

Last month we talked about how each disciple, each follower of Jesus, needs to assess where they are in their own discipleship and find the next step to keep on the journey of their discipleship.  Periodically over the next couple of months, the Weekly (the insert to the bulletin you receive for worship), will have various questions you might consider as you determine and assess where you are in your discipleship.

Also, in a few months, everyone will have an opportunity to complete a discipleship      assessment that will help each person assess your own discipleship and will help the church as a whole determine where we are in our collective discipleship of Jesus and therefore, where we need to go next as a church.

Here are a few other steps that you can take  right now to help you keep on the discipleship journey.

· Participate in Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday March 1.
· On Wednesday, March 8, and Wednesday, March 15, we will have two sessions to help us better understand how to study the Bible.  Be watching for more information as those dates approach.
· Commit to reading the Bible in one year.  As a church, we will start this process around Easter as we journey together, continuing to understand God’s story.  Be watching for more information so that you can participate with your brothers and sisters in Christ in this opportunity.
· Form a small group of your friends and family that will encourage you in your discipleship as well as lovingly hold you accountable to stay on the journey. In other words, “keep your eyes on Jesus” as we heard in a recent sermon.

Let’s continue the discipleship journey together!

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