The Upper Sand Mountain Mission Trip to Alabama is June 18 -24, 2017. It is time to meet and discuss your interest in attending this trip. In order to ensure you receive necessary and accurate trip information, we invite all involved adults, youth and their parents to attend an orientation session March 7, 2017. This will also give us the opportunity to meet as a team and to address questions with answers everyone will want to hear. Join us at 7:00 p.m. in the Gathering Place at church.
All are welcome to attend the mission trip. Skills like painting, plumbing, hammering, sweeping, replacing flooring, sorting items for the food pantry and clothing store, and moving paint cans are a few of the jobs we have done in the past. All skill levels are needed and youth and those who are new to the trip will be mentored by other adult leaders.
The $175 fee per participant is paid by the church’s Faith Promise contributions. We encourage everyone to continue giving to Faith Promise so that not only the mission trip but all of our outreach and mission ministries are funded. This opportunity for second mile giving is open to everyone.
Also, for those planning to attend in 2017, you can start now by donating to your personal account at the church towards your fee of $100 which covers food and gas costs. This could be a monthly or weekly donation in an amount that will add up to the trip cost by the June 4 due date. It is an easy process. First, notify Brandon Collins our church treasurer that you plan to do this. Then make your check out to SUMC or contribute electronically, and note Upper Sand Mountain Fund.
Information regarding youth participants: It is essential to have a parent/guardian on job sites with each youth age 12 and under. Their well-being is of upmost importance and we will continue to address safety and liability issues. Originally the Upper Sand trip was a family activity and over time it has grown with many youth attending and occasionally without a parent. In all cases youth must have a parent or another adult on the trip who agrees to be responsible for that youth. We are excited to have youth with a passion for mission.
USM Leadership Team
Jim Smith
Sandy Tilton
Suzy Heilman