Food Collections

Spaghetti and sauce was delivered and weighed in at 156 lbs of food.  Great job and so  needed.  The shelves at the Hunger, Inc.. center on Epler Ave were very empty.  I saw on the news recently how many people have no food for children home during the summer.  It was a staggering number of families that struggle to feed the families during the summer.    Today the people were lined up outside to get food and there did not seem to be very much food.  So THANKS FOR YOUR DONATIONS!!  You are the hands and feet of Jesus to serve others.

The next collection for July will be Pancake Mix and Syrup.  The collection dates will be Thursday, July 6 and Sunday, July 9.  The purple tub will be out by Thursday,  June 22 since July 2 is the 4th of July holiday weekend.  

August collection is Thursday, July 3rd and Sunday, August 6th.  We will collect cereal and last year your donations made a wall of cereal at the collection site.  Hopefully we can do that again. 

Thanks to all who were able to shop at the Meijer on Southport Rd and help make donations to Hunger, Inc.

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