Mark Your Calendar
Sunday, November 12 families arrive for a two week period and our church becomes their home: a place to rest after a long day, have a warm meal with new friends, sleep in a family bedroom (each family has a classroom in the east wing they use as their bedroom), and the next morning return to the IHN Day Center. During the day the children are in school, the adults go to jobs or job hunt, and move through the process of finding a place in which to live. Our presence during their arrival and throughout their stay is one way to share Jesus’ grace and love with our guests. Talk with IHN ministry leaders in the Gathering Place November 2/5 for information on how we can serve our guests.
Our last Blood Drive for 2017 is Sunday, November 19, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Gathering Place. Give the gift of life and invite neighbors and co-workers to join you in saving lives.
We have a multitude of blessings that we experience in our everyday lives. Our response often is gratitude. An extravagant gratitude for the countless ways Jesus loves and blesses us. When we know Jesus’ grace and abundant love, our appropriate response is to follow His example by serving and loving others…..
December 9 we will be celebrating JUBILEE CHRISTMAS with twenty families from Homecroft Elementary. Is Jubilee new to you or have you been part of this joyful event in the past? Visit the Jubilee ministry table November 9/12, 16/19, 22/26 to talk with a member of the Jubilee Team about serving opportunities. We have several days when extra hands are needed in preparation for Jubilee Day. We will be inviting bakers to provide lots of cookies for the event and many to be boxed up to go home with the families. There are boards filled with tags to choose items for the children and their families. You will find tags for Christmas wishes and gifts, clothing pieces, personal care items, food staples and so much more. You can imagine the needs that twenty families might have. We each can participate and follow Jesus’ example by serving and loving Homecroft children and families.
November 12 to 26 – Interfaith Hospitality Families will be guests at Southport
November 19 – Blood Drive
December 9 – Jubilee Christmas