Upcoming Christmas Celebrations

Dear Church family,

I am so incredibly thankful that we are part of our Southport United Methodist Church.  As you know, our church desires to offer services where God is glorified.  We also desire to honor Him in our worship each week.

We are in a new season as we build a team to lead our congregation into worship.  Because of your unique talents in music, singing and worship, I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider participating in our upcoming Christmas celebrations.

Every one of us was created to worship our Everlasting God.  Through the songs that we sing, the actions of our hands, the sacrifice we make as we turn our lives over to Him, our very lives become an offering to our King.  Worship is how we connect with our Creator and give Him back all of the honor that is due to Him.  What an honor and privilege it is to be able to facilitate part of that worship for people!

Send me an email if you are interested and let’s talk.

John Skaggs
Director of Worship

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