December Financials
There was a lot of talk about lights at SUMC this advent season. Pastor Derek tested his Christmas lights in service to show us the importance of making sure that anyone who wonders near will know that they are welcome here. He showed us some Christmas lights he found around town. A yard that was completely satiated with lights and decorations was contrasted with a simply lit nativity to show us that the light can be shared and received in different ways. Now let us take a look at some lights that were lit in part because of your generosity.
Christmas Jubilee is one of these lights, or many lights coming together for one great event. 20 families received toys, clothes, food, coats, hats & gloves, and more. What’s the more? The more was an experience of being welcomed as guests and treated as family by all of you.
We literally made the church brighter! Our exterior lighting was upgraded by Doug Lewis, Kyle Jones, and Eric Lewis to LED fixtures. This included the steeple, entrance lights, and signs as well as many more. This upgrade will make our church safer, look better, and save energy.
Your giving to Operation Transformation will help light many lights through Pastor’s Ministry and Pastor’s Benevolence Funds. $7,574.01 was raised through Operation Transformation this season. Thank You!
Your gifts on Christmas Eve will go to the Bishop’s Christmas Offering. The Bishop’s Christmas Offering brightens children’s lives locally as well as globally. Your contributions are equally split between the Indiana Conference Camping program, children and youth homes in Indiana, local outreach projects, the United Methodist Advance Project, and the Bishop’s fund for emergency children’s projects.
Continue to let your lights shine into all you do. Thank you for giving without reluctance or compulsion so that your gifts can help all the lights at Southport United Methodist Church shine brighter!