Here is a Valentine Prayer for February by Gertrude Rudberg:
O Lord, I ask before I start,
As Valentines comes round,
That I may find within my heart
Its meaning deep, and profound
I ask Thee, Lord that I may find
Some place where there is need,
Where I can be a little kind
And plant a friendly seed.
I ask Thee, Lord that I might give
A little bit of love
To those I've felt I can't forgive
As Thou dost from above.
I ask Thee, Lord to be my guide,
Grant patience, courage too
That I may e'er with Thee abide
In all I try to do.
Your donations are addressing the need and planting the seeds that God asks of all of us.
The Hunger Inc. Food Pantry is now in need of any of the following items:
Instant oatmeal
Canned chili
Canned Tuna
Canned fruits
Please bring your donations Thursday, February 1 through Sunday, February 4. Your help is needed to feed those in need in our community.