January Financials
Thank You!
I recently attended a district meeting in which Scott Swan, a news anchor for Channel 13, was the keynote speaker. His main point was, “Don’t bury the lead.” What he basically meant was wear your faith on your sleeve. Keep it first and foremost so all would know who you are, and whose you are (yeah, I listen to Pastor Derek sometimes). Anyway, I bring that up because the lead to every single financial article is thank you. Thank you for giving, so that together we can share God’s love and grace in ways that can transform our community and proclaim our lead.
First, we give thanks for one of the Saints we lit a candle for this past All Saint’s Day. They left a generous bequeath to the church of $407,333. They left no instructions on how to use these funds and chose to trust us to use them wisely.
Next, we give thanks for our leadership team. The task of deciding how best to utilize the above gift falls to them, and I am thankful that we have a group that will choose wisely how to use these funds with a mind for the long term and how best to create disciples.
Also, thank you. I did a bit of year end analysis for 2017 and found out some very good news. Our giving units are up 14%. That means 32 more people made contributions in 2017 than 2016. Our overall giving is also up by 4.7%. This increase is largely due to commitments being fulfilled for the Mortgage/Capital Campaign.
Thank you for giving of your gifts of time, talent, and financial resources in celebration of God's generosity in Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing God’s love and grace so that we can make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our community and the world!