February Financials

I am struggling a bit to figure out what to write about this month.  Often I tell you about how your offerings were used.  Well, we purchased networked thermostats to help save on our heating bill and we started purchasing supplies for vacation bible school (yes, it is almost that time!).  Well that certainly didn’t fill the page.

Now, I am sitting in my office looking around trying to figure out what to write.  To my right is a whole shelf of books.  From Success to Significance, Contagious Generosity, Faith Based Family Finance, and Money, Possessions, and Eternity to name a few (feel free to borrow one if you’d like).  Surely there is something there for me to write about….Nope, nothing is popping into my head.
So, I keep looking around the room and I see filing cabinets, a shredder, and a portrait of Jesus.  Oh, now we are on to something, Jesus.  What better thing to stumble upon when trying to write an article about giving than, Jesus.  Jesus, what a gift!  What an example of giving.

Giving is a key element in our discipleship path because Jesus gave.  He gave his life for us. Now, we can never give at the depth at which Jesus gave, and that is okay, expected in fact.
What we can do is give of what has been entrusted to us by our Father.  Give what we have decided in our hearts without reluctance or compulsion.  We can give knowing that it is never enough and yet always enough.

Thank you for giving in celebration of God's generosity in Jesus Christ. 


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