United Methodist Women

One of the studies from Mission U at DePauw (July 17-20) is Embracing Wholeness: An Earth Perspective for Covenantal Living.  This means as Christians, we have a deep responsibility to love what (and who) God loves.   So the way we see the world and the choices we make as we live in it affects the health of the ecosystem and others around us.  Therefore we need to be more conscious of our impact on the world that God so loves. (from Response Magazine, April 2018)

United Methodist Women are working to care for the earth.  Find out more by attending one of the UMW Circle meetings and see how we are actively helping in our community.
Southport’s UMW unit donated $200 in April to the Lucille Raines Residence to assist with repairs to the facility.  The Residence provides housing for recovering addicts living in downtown Indy. 
Dates to Remember:

Friday, May 4, Friendship Day – see posters at church for additional information
Mission U Study, July 17-20 – contact the church office to be connected with a UMW member for more information

Circle meetings:
Rebekah Circle - Tuesday, May 8, 1:00 p.m., church Gathering Place.  Bring a box of cereal for Fletcher Place Food Pantry.
Leah Circle - Tuesday, May 15, 6:30 p.m., church Gathering Place.  We will be doing a "Sit and Sew" activity.  Come and join the fun.
Anna Circle - Monday, May 21, 1:00 p.m., Rosegate Club Room.   "Story Time" will be the main activity.

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