June 25, 2018
Dear Friends,
We are so grateful to count you as a partner who has taken time to help build Christ’s kingdom by bringing His light of love, forgiveness, and new life inside one of the darkest places on earth.
Indiana Women’s Prison #20 was held April 12-15, 2018. We had a team of 46 with 19 of those being “first timers” and we had 2 observers, one from Torch and the other from Kairos Outside. This weekend was from beginning to end truly filled with the Holy Spirit. We graduated 41 participants with some very powerful testimonies on Saturday open mic and on Sunday. This is how some of the inmates described their experience:
How I came….  I came dead, aching for spiritual growth. I came with a broken heart and lost relationships.
What I found…. Love and forgiveness. I found restoration. New life in Christ. Jesus Christ is my new family. I saw angels.
We wanted you to know how much your gifts were appreciated by the Kairos team and especially by the inmates themselves.  Over the course of three days, they began to realize that the Body of Christ is a very real thing, not just some theological imagery. Your gifts of love are the instrument that God uses to open their eyes to that reality.
We can’t adequately communicate how important your gifts of prayer, financial support, cookies, posters, placemats, working in the outside kitchen and letters are! We are fully convinced that your gifts are instruments of the Spirit. Your actions are truly fruit being produced on behalf of Christ!

We encourage you to continue to share with us. We want to offer you the opportunity to join us on a team to participate personally in a Kairos weekend. We realize it is not for everyone, and there are a variety of ways to assist with this vital ministry.
We sing praises to God with you for how His family sacrifices their interests so they can “do it unto one of the least of these.”  We are grateful to call you a partner in ministry to the prisoner. As the weekend leader I feel certain that there were many lives changed, both team and participants.
Please send your financial contributions to IWP – Kairos, c/o Sherry, 567 Monte Vista Drive, Greenwood, IN 46143.

God bless you,
Diana Hall
IWP 20 Weekend Leader


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