On a Clear Day
It’s a rainy, gray day as I write this. And yet there is sunshine on the horizon. We are planning our summer vacation which will begin next week. Like any of us who are lucky enough to be able to have some time off, we are looking forward to those days with growing enthusiasm. We aren’t going far, we’re staying close to home for lots of reasons. But we plan to be tourists in our home town, our new home town of Southport and Indianapolis and the surrounding area. There’s plenty to do and see right here and we’re looking forward to jumping in to museums and galleries and the State Fair and restaurants and fun things (I’m hoping to be on the top tier of the new driving range on the north side – seems like your drive would go farther). So, any recommendations would be welcome.
But we may not do them all. We also plan to spend some time just relaxing at home. Reading, catching up on movies and shows, and just being quiet. Well, and probably some house projects that are always on La Donna’s list. But down time. That’s our plan.
But plans may change. Some of you heard that our daughter in Boston broke her leg in July. Well, she just found out there was a second fracture they didn’t find right away which has been impeding her healing. We may go see her, or we may just spend a lot of time on the phone. Video calls seemed like science fiction not too many years ago, now they are a great help in staying connected. So, who knows what we might do?
Why am I telling you all of this? Partly because I’m excited about the time away. But partly because I’ll miss being here with you. Not that I worry about things falling apart while I’m gone. Not in the least, we have an amazing staff here at Southport UMC and I know things will continue on without a hitch. Pastor Doug will keep the momentum rolling for our worship and growing as disciples of Jesus with giftedness and caring. No, my bigger worry is everyone finding out that I’m not really all that necessary after all!
I’m telling you this because as always I ask for your prayers, and to let you know you will be in mine. We are bound together in this journey of faith and whether we see each other face to face or not, the support continues. We continue on following after Jesus wherever He might be taking us. And I’m asking you to keep your eyes open as you journey, through whatever your August has in store. Find times to rest and relax, find places to let your wonder be engaged again, find refreshment the builds you up, and most of all look for Jesus. He told us He is going before us, into the world of wonder and beauty, into the world of struggle and pain, into the places you know He’ll be and the places that just might surprise you with Presence and the embrace of the Spirit.
I’m taking some time off from my job as pastor here at Southport UMC, but not time off from being a follower of Jesus. And when I come back I hope to be filled up with the passion of proclaiming the Word and tending this flock, even as we all help bring transformation to the world around us. To use these clear days for seeing far, into God’s forever.
And I’m praying for clear days for you to see forever too. Remember the lesson from Revelation: God’s got this!
Pastor Derek