December Financial Update
Pastor Derek often references how our loved ones can sound like God speaking to us. For him it seems to be his wife a lot of the time. For me it is my children.
Recently Sumner (my 8-year old), was pretending she was a super villain, She was plotting how she was going to take over the world, I started really listening when she said, “I’m going to make Santa bring me ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD…. (continues monologue)… evil laugh!”
I, of course, started to worry that maybe this was the beginning of an underlying sentiment towards rampant materialism (overthinking, I know). So, I said, “You know there are more important things than money…”
Lennox (my 3-year old which I didn’t even know was listening) chimed in with, “LIKE PIE”!
Sumner then proudly proclaimed, “Uh huh! Pie!”
So, my children avidly and unanimously agree that pie is more important than money.
Out of all the things in the world Lennox could have picked as important she picked pie. We share pie. We slice it up and spread it around, we are happy to share our pie. OK, not if it’s the last piece, but it usually brings us joy to share our pie. When is the last time you ate a whole pie by yourself? Ok, maybe don’t answer that. My point is in Lennox’s little world pie is more important than money and this is how we treat pie, so what does that mean for money? It means we should give it even more freely, just as generously, and with just as much joy in our hearts!
Mark 10:15
“Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”
Thank you for your gifts of financial resources, time and talent. Have a Merry Christmas!