From The Leadership Team-March
Greetings from the SUMC Leadership Team! Last month Peggy Boyll, the 2019 Chair of the team, gave a great overview of the structure of the team and introduced herself. This month I’d like to share a little more about the team as well as a little about me.
My faith journey has taken many twists and turns through the years. A little over three years ago, God led my husband Phil and I to SUMC. I remember hearing about a “leadership team” shortly after we started attending worship here but had no idea who they were and what they did. I’ve now learned that there is an “Accountability Leadership Structure” document that defines the Leadership Team, as well as what the foci (am I the only one who didn’t know this is the plural of “focus”?) of the team is supposed to be. The first focus is connecting with Christ, and the second focus is connecting with people. That’s YOU – each and every one of the family of Christ and SUMC. So, tell us how we can best connect with you? What thoughts do you have on how we can accomplish the mission at SUMC of “making disciples for Jesus Christ and transforming lives”? Please talk with any of the Leadership Team members and share your ideas as well as any concerns.
It’s easier to connect with someone if you know them, so let me help you get to know me a little better. Phil and I have been married for almost 36 years, have three daughters, and five grandchildren. I am an Indianapolis “transplant”, having moved here from the Anderson area right before Phil and I met. I spent most of my career working for staffing and recruiting companies, starting in sales, moving into management, and eventually into a corporate learning and development (most call it “training”) role. I just started a new job as Director of People & Talent for a family-owned manufacturing company on the east side of Indy. If you’ve ever doubted that God touches our lives and can lead us where we need to be if we’ll only trust and go, ask me the story of how Phil and I ended up at SUMC as well as how I ended up in my current job. It’s a little long to explain here, but I’m happy to share!
The team will be working hard to make ourselves more visible and accessible over the coming weeks and months, and we all hope you will share with us what is on your minds and hearts. Please pray for guidance for all of us as we work to fulfill our responsibility to God, to SUMC, and to you.
In Christ,
Connie Whisner