Greetings from the Leadership Team!
SUMC organizational structure is different from most United Methodist churches. First the church is incorporated as a religious corporation that is organized and operated exclusively to conduct, support, encourage, and assist such religious, charitable, educational and other programs and projects as described in the Internal Revenue Code. Second, we only have one governing structure, which is called the Leadership Team. The members of this Team include the Senior Pastor and eight other members, a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary. The Pastor keeps the vision and directs the Staff while the Leadership Team defines high level strategy and governs to meet the vision.
For 2019, I have been elected to serve as Chair of the Leadership Team, which also includes filling the required position of Chair of the Staff Parish Relationship Committee (the Team serves as the committee). For those of you who don’t know me, my husband Ron and I have been attending SUMC for a little over 10 years. We met at college (DePauw University), and have been married 38 year. We have two adult sons the older, Ryan, lives in Des Moines, IA and Trevor lives here in Greenwood. I am a second career CPA, who works remotely for a company in Iowa (we lived there 10 years before moving here). In my job, I perform or review audits as well as prepare some partnership and corporation tax returns. At SUMC, I have served in a leadership role on the Stephen Ministries Team as well as helped with other various activities. My passion is Bible study groups and I have been involved in several either as a participant or co-facilitator.
The last thing I want to share is the most important. If you have any questions, concerns, or something you just want to share with the Team, please feel free to contact any Leadership Team member. I’ve included the names of all the current year Team members below, and you will have opportunities to learn more about the others this year as we take turns writing in the newsletter.
Peggy Boyll, Chair Brad Wiseman, Vice Chair Barb Dobbs, Secretary Gary Dunn Greg Ford Suzy Heilman John Klipsch Phil Sell Connie Whisner