Many of our Interfaith Hospitality servants had the opportunity to meet the Baber family, Joseph Sr., Cierra and Joseph Jr. during the February rotation. We received this news from the Family Promise IHN Director and we celebrate with the Babers.
“We are pleased to announce the Baber family moved into their new home today!  They entered the program at Southport UMC on February 5. Joseph was working at Wendy’s on the west side and Cierra eventually joined him in employment at Wendy’s, and they began saving.  Joseph Jr. had the horrible time of getting on a bus at 6:00am every day and back at 5:00pm, sleeping hours each day on the bus.
We worked to find housing as quickly as possible, but the only places that would take them fast were in areas that Dad said, “I left a bad neighborhood; I don’t want to get involved with the same bad stuff.”  So he worked hard to find a mom/pop landlord on the west side that would accept them.  They kept the faith, waited it out—which included Dad losing his father who lived in Illinois, and it paid off. They signed a lease yesterday and moved in this morning.  Both are still working at Wendy’s, and now Joseph Jr. will finish out the school year at the same school, and with 3 less hours on the bus each day.
Joseph wrote an email to us that said,
“Hey I want to thank you for everything you all did for me and my family.  May Allah keep blessing the IHN staff and the churches there.  Baber family!!!!”
“Thanks for being their shelter and hospitality through this couple months.”
We don’t often hear what happens to our IHN guest families.  Please remember that when we spend time in service to them, for the short period they are with us, we are showing love and care as they work to regain their footing and find homes for their family. We have made a difference!
Our next rotation for IHN family guests is September 29 through October 13.

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