A Letter from Pastor Mark August 2013
Dear Friends,
I just can’t get use to the idea of saying that “back to school” is happening the first of August. However, whether I am used to it or not, it is happening. Teachers and students are returning to the classroom even as you are reading this.
Schools play a critical role within the culture. The schools not only educate the children but also for many young people the school is the only place of stability in their lives. Some children have no positive adult role models other than those they encounter during the school day.
Unfortunately, administrators and teachers do not have an easy job. They are constantly being asked to do more and more with minimal resources. Many times schools are faced with less than ideal home situations which then cause the students to act out negatively in many ways.
I share this because we need to be supportive of the educational systems in our communities. We need to pray for administrators, teachers, and students. We need to do whatever we can to help assist to make the job of the schools easier.
One of the ways that we are doing that through the ministry of Southport United Methodist Church is through a partnership that we have established with Homecroft Elementary School. Homecroft is located just west of the church. It is the school that is geographically closest to SUMC.
Our partnership includes a tutoring program called the After School Achievers.
Servants from the church give of their time to help students after school for 45 minutes
once a week. This helps the students with homework, but it also gives the students and
opportunity to develop positive relationships with positive role models.
We also provide funds for needs of students and families at Homecroft Elementary. These funds are drawn from the Pastor’s Benevolent Fund. Here are some examples of some of the things we were able to do:
· Clothing for many students (including underwear, socks, and shoes in a couple of situations)
· Minor car repairs that allowed a mother to transport her children to and from school and to counseling sessions
· Assisting a family to get their power turned back on so that their children didn’t have to take cold showers
· School supplies for those who can’t afford them
· Groceries for families in need
Jody Matthews, the principal at Homecroft Elementary, has been extremely grateful for what we have been able to do for his school community.
School is starting again, and we are going to continue to partner with Homecroft and look for ways to expand that partnership. If you would like to help in any way, please talk to Doug Shinkle, the Director of Connect, and he will finds ways to help you get involved in this vital outreach ministry. (Click Here to read Doug's article on how you can help with this ministry.)
In Christ’s Abundant Love,
Pastor Mark