Music News
Music is just one of the ways, a very important way, that we use in a worship service to praise and worship God. Music can (and should) help establish the atmosphere that enhances the worshipper’s ability to experience the presence of God.
We have several announcements that I want to share with you regarding a few of our music ministries.
First, we want to thank Linda Coad for her many years of service on our music team with Godspeak (our Thursday worship service praise band) and with periodically participating in our Sunday traditional service as organist/accompanist (most recently, replacing Rob Pfiester who served many years in this role). We truly appreciate Linda’s participation and leadership in these areas. Please thank Linda for her years of service when you see her.
We have hired a new Music Ministry Leader. Dwight Huntley will be the organist and accompanist for our traditional worship service and will also be the keyboard player and leader of Godspeak. Please welcome Dwight to our music team.
The Chancel Choir will have a kick-off pitch-in dinner Thursday, August 29 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gathering Area. If you are interested in participating in the choir, please feel free to join us that evening for fellowship and fun. If you have any questions, please contact Karri York at
The Handbell Choir will begin rehearsals Wednesday, September 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Worship Center. If you would like to join, we have room for you. We will plan to rehearse regularly Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. and we will play every 4-6 weeks at the 8:15 a.m. service. This will be great fun as well as an opportunity to be part of a music ministry. Please contact Karri York if you have any questions at
We thank and praise God that Southport United Methodist Church has many musical ways that help us worship God and experience His presence in worship. Please show your appreciation to our musical ministries for their commitment to helping bring God’s Kingdom to our midst.