Serving the Community through Hunger, Inc.

Serving the Community through Hunger, Inc.

WOW! For August, SUMC donated 124 boxes of cereal.  The ladies at Hunger, Inc. were so thrilled to receive so many varieties of cereal.  They though that the children of the families would be excited to have so many more choices and not just corn flakes.

Collection dates are September 5 and 8 since communion has been changed to by-pass Labor Day weekend.
We are collecting SUCCULENT SOUPS. Any variety of canned soups would be greatly appreciated.

In the month of October we will be collecting cans of OUTSTANDING PORK AND BEANS.  The collection dates will be October 3 and 6.

After attending a recent workshop on Poverty, I picked up a saying that I thought I would share with you.  “We not only need to work for the poor, but among the poor.”

We are doing an awesome job of the “for” part with our donations of food. So I am     encouraging you to think about helping with the “among” part.  If you are interested in helping with delivery of food, or at one of our food pantries (Hunger, Inc. or Fletcher Place.), contact me through the church office 317-784-9508.

Thanks for walking with the Lord.
Sandy Tilton


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