A Letter from Pastor Mark- August

Dear Friends,
In my last letter I shared that we were moving toward transforming the church library into a digital library and lending out Kindles that are loaded with various Christian literature offerings.  I am glad to let you know that the Kindle lending library is now available for use.  You can call the church office to inquire about the books that are available or to request a book to be purchased and downloaded to one of the devices.  When you borrow a Kindle it will be for a prescribed length of time, and there will be a borrowing agreement that will need to be read and signed.  The agreement just lays out the guidelines for the use of the Kindle.  If the kindle you are wanting is already on loan, then we will put you on a waiting list and you will be contacted when the kindle is returned.
I am excited about this new possibility for sharing Christian resources.  I hope many of you take advantage of this opportunity.
I also want to inform you that I will be taking a rest and renewal leave starting on August 11 and running through September 21.  I will be back in the office on Monday, September 22.  The Discipline of the United Methodist Church provides for a rest and renewal leave for pastor’s who have served full-time at least six years.  The leave can be up to six months.  The leave that I have requested is for a duration of six weeks.
I have requested this leave so that I might have an extended period of time off to be physically and spiritually renewed for my remaining years in ministry.  My plan at this time is to remain in full-time ministry until my 66th birthday.  That gives me a full five years before I plan to retire.  This rest and renewal leave will help me to be prepared to finish well as I approach the last few years of active ministry.

This leave has been approved and granted by the Leadership Team and the District Superintendent, Bert Kite.  I will be returning periodically to officiate at weddings that were scheduled prior to my planning the leave.
During my absence Pastor Chris will be handling the preaching responsibilities and offering leadership.  The church staff will also continue to move forward in ministry while I am away.
I have been serving churches in the Indiana Conference for 35 years and this is the first time I have availed myself of the opportunity to take some extended time to rest and become spiritually rejuvenated.  I am looking forward to returning to ministry with new excitement and energy.
In Christ’s Abundant Love,
Pastor Mark


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