Through your generous contributions to Faith Promise, we are sharing Jesus’ love in our community, across the nation, and in the world. Faith Promise is “extra mile giving” in support of the church’s community and outreach ministries.
Recently Faith Promise giving supported our Upper Sand Mountain Mission Team. The team of adults and youth, both skilled and learning, worked on homes preparing two for sale. They had many other tasks at other locations in this Alabama area. The team worked hard each day and interacted with others expressing the love of Jesus through their actions and words.
During Vacation Bible School we welcomed children for five days and shared with them how Jesus’ love is one of a kind. Through a variety of activities, each child knew they were in a caring, safe, and loving environment with people who wanted them to know Jesus.
This summer several children and youth had the opportunity to attend a Church Camp with the cost being shared by their parents and their church. Through the support of Faith Promise giving each child experienced the beauty and security of Jesus’ love in God’s creation. This note was written in thanks:
“Dear SUMC, thank you for the money for church camp! We went to Camp Lakewood. We went on the zip line. Sincerely……”
This was the first summer church camp experience for these children. It is obvious they had fun, and they wanted to share their gratitude with us.
On August 15 and 16, many of our youth and their friends will be participating in the
30 Hour Famine. During a 24 hour time period they will live at church, serve in the community, eat only the type of food from specific poverty-stricken countries, and learn about the struggles others face each day. The youth have invited us to participate by giving up one meal during this time and contributing the cost of that meal to Faith Promise. Their invitation acknowledges that through Faith Promise people in need can be reached by our giving.
As we are involved in mission we are responding in specific ways to Christ’s call to take the message of His gospel into the world. Matthew 28:19-20 gives us this command. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Serving in the name of Jesus Christ, we give others the opportunity to come to know the goodness of God made known in His Son.
Jesus tells us in the 25th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, verses 35-39, that we should feed the hungry, we should give a drink to the thirsty, we should clothe the naked, we should alleviate the pain of the suffering and sick, and we should visit those who are in prison. Through the projects we support, we are doing all of these things. Our Faith Promise ministry efforts also give many people in our church and community the opportunity to participate in hands-on mission.
As we are involved in Faith Promise ministries we are truly making a difference. Thank you for your participation and your generosity.
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