Jubilee Christmas Update

Jubilee Christmas is quickly approaching on Saturday, December 13, from 10 a.m. to noon. God has blessed us with 25 families from five Perry Township Schools with lots of children who will experience some of the joys of the holidays through difficult times. Our relationships with the families will continue through 2015 as we invite families to be part of Vacation Bible School, worship, Children’s Church and Student Ministries, Community Fall Festival and other outreach events. 

There are a few odds and ends to tie up as we prepare for Jubilee day. If you are available to help with set up, a fairly big task, on Friday, December 12, please call the church office for times and needs. 

If you would like to be part of Jubilee day, additional helping hands are welcome. There is always a need to assist with wrapping. Some of our families have six and seven children for gift wrapping. When the gifts are wrapped and carried to the cars, the refreshments have been eaten, food bags and Bibles handed out, then it is time for clean up. It will take about an hour to clean and put things away. The Jubilee Planning Team is delighted to have added servants to finish the day. We celebrate the lives that have been touched, both from the Jubilee families and from all who served them, and the relationships and connections that have been made.

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