With the help of social workers from Perry Township Schools, Jubilee Families have been identified and now matched with their Hosts from SUMC. Hosts have made their initial contact with their Jubilee Family, and together they have composed a list of the children’s suggestions and needs for Christmas.
You are invited to be involved with the Jubilee Ministry, and there is a variety of ways in which you can participate. During November, starting Thursday the 5th, the Jubilee Team will be available at the Next Steps table in the Gathering Place on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings. Here are a few options for you to consider:
Assist with clothes shopping on Saturday, December 5, starting at 7:30 a.m. at Burlington at US 31 and Stop 11. Join Jubilee Families and Hosts in selecting clothing items for the children with the cost covered by our Faith Promise fund.
Help with Jubilee Day set up on Friday morning, December 11. There will be lots of task-oriented things to finish in preparation for the next day. Setting tables, carrying gifts, and hanging signs are a few, and it is always helpful to have some extra muscle for particular jobs.
Join in the excitement of Jubilee Day, Saturday, December 12. We will arrive by 9:30 in order to be ready to welcome the adults from the Jubilee Families at 10 a.m. Lots of helping hands are encouraged to assist with greeting guests, preparing refreshments, wrapping gifts, interacting with families, supporting where a need arises, and pitching in to clean up after the families are gone. The day concludes about 1 p.m.
Colorful boards will be sitting at Next Steps throughout the month. As we gather information for gifts, toys, personal care items, Jubilee Day refreshment requests, and food items for a holiday dinner, new tags will be added to the boards weekly. Each tag will list the item to be purchased with helpful information for shopping. As you select tags, please put tag information and your name on the sign-out sheet. All tag items can be returned as soon as possible to the Next Steps table and by December 6.
The Jubilee Team will shop for any gift tags not taken or not returned after the 6th in order to have everything ready for Jubilee Day.
As you can see, touching this many lives involves the entire church community. Besides clothing, gifts, toys, food, and personal care items, we provide each family with a gift card for a ham or turkey and a new Bible with Faith Promise covering any additional expense.
Truly connecting with Jubilee Families and offering support happens because we feel Jesus’ love in our lives, and we desire to share this with others. In some cases we may be able to continue a relationship with a family throughout the year with an opportunity to be an example of Jesus’ love which is available at all times in all situations.