A Letter from Pastor Mark - October

Dear Friends,
I know that this might seem like jumping the gun but I want to give the church a heads up on the upcoming Advent and Christmas season calendar.  Since Christmas day falls on Sunday I want to let the congregation and the community know what the plans are as soon as possible.

First of all, the schedule for the Advent sermon series is as follows:

November 17 & 20: Sent: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas/Jesus Reconciles
November 23 & 27: Sent: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas/Jesus Sets Us Free
December 1 & 4: Sent: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas/Jesus Is God with Us
December 8 & 11: Sent: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas/Jesus Brings New Life
December 15 & 18: Sent: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas/Jesus Changes Everything

I am starting the series a bit early because it is five weeks long.  So we will start the week     before Thanksgiving.
The Christmas Eve and Christmas worship schedule is as follows:
Thursday, December 22 at 7:00 p.m. (note the change of time from our usual Thursday service)  Pre-Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Saturday, December 24
5:00 p.m. Children & Family Service (30-35 minutes and no candlelight)
7:00 & 8:30 p.m. Contemporary Candlelight Service
11:00 p.m. Traditional Candlelight Service
Sunday, December 25
9:30-11:00 am Open communion served continuously during that time.  Families can come and go any time during the 90 minute period.
New Year’s Day Worship Schedule
One service only at 10:00 a.m.
Child care will be provided at all the services except for the open communion on Sunday, December 25.

Let me say a few words about this schedule.  The December 22 Thursday evening service will be held at 7:00 p.m. and it will be a candlelight service.  This will give those who might be out of town the weekend of Christmas an opportunity to participate in one of the church’s candlelight services.
Since Christmas falls on Sunday instead of having the usual services (since we will have had four opportunities to worship the evening before) we will have open communion from 9:30 to 11:00 am.  Families can come and go to receive communion.  I will be present during that time and will facilitate serving communion to those who wish to come.
Since New Year’s Day falls on Sunday we will have one joint service at 10:00 am.  We will have the Thursday service at 6:00 p.m. on December 29.
I hope putting this Advent and Christmas schedule out helps you to more fully plan your personal celebrations of Christmas.
In Christ’s Abundant Love,
Pastor Mark

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