Our students (6th grade through high school) continue learning the basics of our Christian faith as United Methodists on Sunday mornings. However, 1 hour on Sunday morning is not enough to establish a firm foundation to sustain them throughout their lives. Parents are provided information each week to help the students grow in their discipleship as a family during the week as well.
In late spring, we will have an official Confirmation class for those students who want to declare their faith publicly. (This process also makes the student an official “member” of Southport UMC.) Be talking to your students who have not officially been confirmed about this process. They will be contacted in a couple of months with more details.
Saturday February 10, Winter Jam (Christian concert) will be at Banker’s Life Fieldhouse. Youth and their families (any age) are invited. Cost is $15 at the door. Should a youth want to attend but not have a ride, we will make sure they can get there. Sign ups are in the Underground.
Saturday March 10, youth and their families will be going to Camp Indicoso (a United Methodist camp) to do some work to help get the camp ready for summer campers. Families are encouraged to go and serve together. Should a youth want to attend but not have a ride, we will make sure they can get there. Serving at a United Methodist facility helps to emphasize the connectional nature of the United Methodist Church – “together we are more